I needed to take some photos today so I thought I’d take a chance to give you a quick look at my process and a tip on how to improve your card photos! I started off with a set up that is usually pretty good for me, just holding the card above my work desk near a window. The window doesn’t get direct sunlight, but it does get a fair bit of light so it’s perfect for photos. Today however it was a bit darker, and the texture and color of the card meant that it picked up A LOT of the more yellow light coming from the overhead light and made my picture look yellow, muddy, and just not right…

So how to fix this? Easy! I just put the card down on the desk with an ink pad underneath to keep some distance from the background, and moved it a bit closer to the window, angling the card slightly to catch the window light. But it still has that ugly shadow on the right of the photo where the card cast a shadow on the desk….

Which is also a super easy fix! Here all I changed was adding a white piece of cardstock just off the frame to the right. This ‘bounced’ light back and filled in that shadow. Ta da!

What little tweaks can you make to your photo set up to improve your photos?

Happy stamping!

Great tip. Thanks.