An easy way to make tassels for all your projects! This tool can be customized to include your business or team name, links to your own instructions, or any other pieces you’d like to include. Watch the video instructions below or follow along with the image/text instructions included with your Tassel Maker.

  1. Lay a length of twine across the top edge of the tassel maker.
  2. Wrap lengths of twine around the tassel maker at the size you want your finished tassel to be. Wrap until it’s as thick as you want it to be!
  3. Tie a length of twine around the bundle through the open section of the tassel maker.
  4. Slide the tassel off the tassel maker.
  5. Tighten the twine around your tassel bundle.
  6. Optionally, slide the knot up the tassel to make the top loop smaller.
  7. Tie a knot in the top of the loop with the length of twine from #1.
  8. Trim the tassel ends to the length you want.
  9. Add your tassel to a project!